Monday, June 14, 2010


All species on earth live in balance with nature, accepting what nature gives and working within these limits with the innate wisdom that this is the only way the planet can be sustained. All – except humans.

Impact of consumption on the planet
We see consumption as equivalent to economic success. However, consumption depletes natural resources at an alarming rate. The environment, the earth itself is paying heavily due to this uncontrolled plundering. This would lead to pain and destruction of all species. Our irresponsible, and self-serving action would destroy not only our species, but the entire planet, maybe even during our lifetime.

Impact of consumption on the individual
Limitless consumption and over indulgence (like over eating or watching too much TV) leads to restlessness, hurt and pain physically, mentally & spiritually. As we focus on immediate gratification, we also become fearful and anxious of losing it all. Fear absorbs and motivates us to be protective. The more we have, the more we want – we start to think that our existence and survival depends on those possessions . A sense of emptiness envelopes our mind and makes us feel less than whole. We feel insecure unless we get every new gadget, a bigger house, and a better vacation.

To counter this insecurity , we resort to either over eating or over extending credit facilities to own unwanted goods. Consumption blinds us and separates us from our inner resources of strength & power. We succumb to competition, disappointment and depression , disease & pain. To avoid pain we might resort to pain killers spiralling down to addiction and serious illness.

What motivates us to consume : Identity
We see ourselves as others see us: by our qualifications, by what we do, by what we have to offer to others, by our clothes, the color of our skin, and our looks. We define ourselves by the perceptions of others. Our likes and dislikes are based on this identity. And we run our lives in establishing, preserving and expanding this identity, acquiring and hoarding material possessions supporting that expansion, craving other external identifications that we do not possess. We become so absorbed in this that we slowly wander away from the inner connection with our true nature.

However, many people lost all of their identity, and continued to exist; taking on new identities in different places. If changed once, the identity can be changed all over again. So the question each of us needs to ask is : Is this who I am? Who am I? What is my true identity?

Discover the true identity in part 2 of this article.

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